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5 Encouraging Tips For New Bloggers

I can hardly believe that it has been 2 years since I started my blog.  What??!!  Honestly, I’m not quite sure where the time has gone.  This creative art of writing and designing a website has become so much a part of me I’m not sure where I would be without it.

So, today I’d love to share with you what I’ve learned during these last 2 years of sharing my story.

{This post contains links to some of my favorite brands and companies through affiliate links.  To find out more, read my Disclosure Policy!}

Recently, a friend of mine introduced me to somebody as her “blogger buddy”.  I was all shades of red, I’m sure, as I stumbled to explain what my blog is about.  I’m not sure why, but I still have a hard time explaining what this special place on the world wide web is all about.

Being a “blogger” has allowed me to open up and share my experiences, the good, the bad, and the ugly, & connect with new friends all over the world.  It has opened up a whole new world to me and provided a place to rest and soak in my honesty, my truth, which leads me to the first thing I’ve learned as a 2-year-old blogger.

All Of Us Have A Story To Tell

I remember the trepidation I felt as I hit “publish” for the first time.  I thought, “who’s even going to read this.  Why would anybody be interested in my mundane, oh so ordinary life?”.  Boy oh boy, am I thankful I bit the bullet and published that first article.  Sharing my story has revolutionized my life in a way I never thought possible.

We all have a story to tell, experiences to glean from, and talents to share.  If you have pondered the idea of starting a blog…DO IT!!  Your story is just as important as mine or anyone else’s.  The world needs to hear it.  If you are facing the same panic as I did, just hit publish and open yourself up to the blessings that come with sharing your story.  You never know who will benefit from reading it.

Academic Agenda, Daily or Weekly by Emily Ley

There’s A Place For All Of Us

There have been times I’ve been crushed by my own feelings of inadequacy along this blogging journey.  I sometimes wonder who am I to teach others or instruct them.  I’m not an expert in this topic, per se.

But, if you haven’t heard this already let me be the first to tell you, there is plenty of space for all of us bloggers and our talents and strengths.  You don’t have to be an expert, possess a Ph.D. or a masters degree in party planning or creative writing or photography to be a blogger.  {Is there even a Ph.D. in those subjects??  Anywhosits…}

You will bring your own experiences, voice, and spin to whatever topic you decide to share with the world.  Stay true to yourself and your message.  There’s plenty of space in the blogger pool for all of us.  Your readers will appreciate your uniqueness in what seems like a million bloggers. Don’t let the number of similar websites and bloggers sway you from sharing your story and fulfilling your blogging dreams.

Consistent Hard Work Will Yield Positive Results

Blogging is not for the faint of heart.  Just the other day I thought I had messed up the coding on the backend of my website and got the white screen of death.  Da da da {sung in dramatic fashion!}.  There were tears and screams until I contacted my hosting company to restore my website back to its previous glory.  Hallelujah!

Over the last 2 years, I feel like I’ve taken crash courses in coding, website design, photography, graphic arts, social media, creative writing, etc.  I didn’t know how to do any of these things, I just knew I loved to write and create and TALK!  Ha!  If I can figure out how to put together a website, so can you!  Trust me!

I like to say I caught the “blogging bug”. Once I got started it became kind of addictive, and I am immensely enjoying the creative process.  Not to say that there aren’t frustrating days.  Keep working hard, rest, take the time to learn, and you will yield positive results.

I’ve been able to align with amazing brands and companies, been a part of a book launch team, and hosted giveaways with bigger mommy bloggers.  Every opportunity in this blogging world is a gift.  If you put in the time, the opportunities will come but it will take a lot of time, sweat, and tears.  Don’t give up.

Artifact Uprising Photo Gifts

Being Open & Honest Is Healing

I’ve heard many mommy bloggers say they start their blogs to have connections in an otherwise lonely world of mommyhood.  Not that they don’t love spending time with their kiddos, but that they feel like they’ve lost a bit of themselves.  They’ve lost their voice.  Everybody has a different reason for starting their blog.  Mine was to share my story of healing after a miscarriage and to chronicle our journey to parenthood.  Of course, this little blog of mine has taken on a life of its own for which I’m extremely grateful.

Another friend of mine who encouraged me to start my blog told me the other day that she thinks the blog has helped me heal.  She was one I confided in during those dark days after we lost our baby.  Her words and encouragement meant the world to me then and now.  I hadn’t recognized this healing and boldness in myself until she pointed it out.  Blogging can be so much more than sharing recipes and craft ideas.  It can be a life-changing experience for you and your family.  It’s been just that for me.

The Best Is Yet To Come

There are many days that I wish I had this whole blogging thing figured out.  Just as soon as I check a couple things off the to-do list, I end up adding 5 more things to get done.  The list goes on and on.  The learning never stops.  There is always something to work on.

There have been times when I’ve lost my drive and my purpose for this little cozy space of mine.  Then I just have to give myself some space to breathe and some grace.  I know where I want this place on the internet to go, the way I’d love for it to help moms everywhere, and the encouragement I’d love for it to be for other women going through infertility, pregnancy, and early mommyhood.  But, these things take time.

Sometimes it’s so hard for me to enjoy the journey, but when I step back and look at what’s been built in just two short years I’m pretty astounded.  It’s not by my own doing, that’s for sure.  My sweet hubby often sacrifices time and attention so that I can live out my dreams here with you.   So, a big thank you to Adam for encouraging me to do this.

I truly believe that this place is driven by God.  He laid this sweet space on my heart and I hemmed and hawed about sharing these intimate pieces of our lives with you all, but He made His plan very clear.  I’m so glad I listened to His gentle leading in this way.  I can’t wait to see what He does with this blog.

Lastly, I’d like to thank all of you for taking the time to stop by today.  If you are new around these parts, welcome!  And, if you’ve been cheering me on throughout these last couple years…THANK YOU!  Your encouragement and support have meant the world to me.

If you are thinking of starting a blog, take the plunge and dive into the deep end.  You’ll meet lots of new friends to help you along the way.  Be patient with yourself and the process.  Don’t be afraid to share your talents and gifts with the world.

Here are some inspiring ladies that helped me start my blog & they both offer courses to help you get started…

Abby Lawson at

Suzi Whitford at

I’m always here for you too.  If you’re interested in getting started or are deep in the blogging trenches, drop a question or your URL below.  I’d love to help you in whatever way I can and cheer you on too!


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