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Homemade Hot Cocoa Mix

This homemade hot cocoa mix recipe is really easy to make and extra chocolatey. We make up a batch at the beginning of each winter and enjoy it all season long.

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How To Make Homemade Hot Cocoa

Every winter season Adam and enjoy a hot chocolate toast to celebrate the first snowfall. Hot cocoa is one of our favorite warm winter treats. We pack it up in Thermos’ for our annual Christmas light drive and makes mugs of hot cocoa for our nieces and nephews to enjoy during our gingerbread decorating day.

When I discovered this homemade hot cocoa mix from Maddy, I knew we had to try it. This homemade recipe was such a hit. It quickly becomes our family’s favorite go-to hot cocoa.

It’s so simple to make. Just throw all the ingredients in a blender and pulse quickly (this blender has also quickly become a kitchen staple in our home). Make sure to pulse quickly so that the chocolate bits don’t melt. We use high quality semi-sweet chocolate chips (these are our favorites). Pulse gently until the chocolate chips become a fine powder that blend in with the other dry ingredients.

That’s it! I like to store out hot cocoa mix in this container so it stays fresh all winter long. It’s definitely worth the few minutes it takes to make this cocoa mix. It’s 10 times more delicious than any other cocoa powder mix we’ve ever tasted.

Related Post: Hot Chocolate Recipes From Around The World

Homemade Hot Cocoa Mix Recipe

To make a cup of the perfect hot cocoa, add 2-3 tablespoons of the cocoa mix for each cup of milk, depending on how chocolatey you like it. We find that 3 scoops is just perfect. Heat the milk and cocoa mix on the cooktop until all the bits of chocolate have melted, whisking for just a few minutes. Don’t let the milk burn or come to a boil. Pour into mugs and top with your favorite toppings…mine is whipped cream, Adam’s is a mound of marshmallows.

Feel free to print the recipe below and add this lovely activity to your family’s Christmas Bucket List or Advent every year. Enjoy!


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