Are you wanting to dip your toes into the wonderful world of blogging, but not sure what to write about? I, too, have struggled with figuring out exactly what I what to share on the internet with the world. You are not alone.
Today I’ll share with you 10 ways to discover your perfect niche so you can start creating your dream blog today and turn this passion for sharing and writing and creating into a profitable business. Are you ready to get started?
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What Are You Passionate About?
First things first, and this may be super obvious, but….what are you passionate about? Do you love decorating, organizing, traveling, cooking, etc.
Pinpointing what you are passionate about is the first key to discoing your perfect blog niche. Afterall, starting and maintaining a blog takes a lot of guts and hours of work to be successful. So you’ll want to pick a topic that you love so you don’t get too overwhelmed or bored.

What Kind Of Blogs Do You Enjoy Reading?
Think about the kinds of blogs you enjoy reading? Do they cover a bunch of topics, or do they stick to a single subject? How are their sites set up? What drives you to their websites again and again?
If you don’t have a slue of favorite bloggers, then head to Pinterest and peruse your boards. What are the types of things you’re searching for on Pinterest? Find a few of your favorite pins or things you’ve found most helpful, and head over to those websites. Most likely they are an aspiring blogger just like yourself, since Pinterest is pretty much a hub for all creatives.
What Can You Teach Others?
Another angle to look at is what can you teach others? Are you great at encouraging others to work out, creating healthy meal plans for you family, or putting together stylish outfits on a budget?
Think about the raw talents and abilities that you’ve been given, or the things that you’ve learned in life that you could easily and enthusiasticly share with the world. That just could be the perfect blog niche for you.

What’s Missing From Your Favorite Blogs?
Oh yeah, those favorite blogs of yours? What are they missing that you wish they had? Do you have a favorite travel blog, that never covers how to travel with kids? Well, you could focus on that, right? Do you love beauty blogs, but wish they’d share more drug store makeup? There’s a good blog niche for ya!
You could be the missing pieces to the big blogging puzzle, because more than likely if you’re searching for a particular thing online, other people are too. You could be their go-to person.

What Problem Can You Solve For Others?
One way to connect with readers and build your brand and business, is by helping others solve a problem. Maybe you know how to make the most of your money and could help others with budgeting and saving money? That would be an awesome blog idea for you.
Or, perhaps you have learned how to keep your home organized and clean even with kids around. Is that even possible? You could share your problem-solving tips and tricks with the world.
Brainstorm what problems you’ll help solve for your readers, and you’ll be one step closer to discovering your perfect blog niche.

What Are You Currently Learning That You Could Share With Others?
This is the section where I feel like I fit in the most. I started my blog to share our journey to parenthood, and the ways we were learning to cope with loss and continue to have an exciting and hopeful life together.
I began learning about the simple Danish tradition called, hygge, that helped me piece myself back together again after a miscarriage by doing little familiar things that made me happy and brought me joy.
Now, I’m sharing my hygge journey on my blog by sharing adventures and bucket lists, goal planning, cozy home decor, romantic date nights, and comfort food recipes. I want to help my readers feel hopeful, inspired, cozy, and simply at home when they visit my website.
I hope to encourage others to go out of their comfort zone, go on an adventure, take the next step toward their dreams, because I am learning how to do that every single day.
What path are you currently walking that you could share and help others with? Share what you’re learning with the world. There is great reward in being vulnerable and open.

What Do You Want To Be Writing About 5 Years From Now?
Another aspect of blogging to think about is what you want to be writing about 5 years from now. You don’t want to spend all the time to put together a blog to have it fizzle out in a year or two.
Don’t choose a niche that is so specific that you can’t find your way out of it when this season has passed and you’d like to move on to other topics. Try to pick a niche that gives you some room to grow, or simply pick a couple of things you’d like to share. Nobody says you can only choose on topic to write about.
Who Is Your Ideal Audience?
When you think about what you want to write about and how you want your website design to look, who would your target audience be? Students, stay-at-home moms, career women, families, etc?
Hone in on who your readers will most likely be, and build your blog from there creating the best and most useful space to those people. Remember, blogging is more about your reader than it is about you.
How Could You Turn This Blog Idea Into A Profitable Business?
Once you’ve decided on a blog niche, think about ways you can turn that topic or two into a profitable business. Are there ways to create products, courses, eBook, etc that could enhance your readers experience &/or learning?
Could you partner with brands to bring your audience giveaways and discounts that help them out and get them excited about what you’re saying? What companies would you like to collaborate with?
Does your niche support an online shop where you could sell related products or services?
There is money to be made in the blogging world, so make sure you set yourself up for success at the beginning even if making money isn’t your biggest goal right now. You never know. One day creating a profitable business just might be your dream.

What If You Want To Blog About Blogging?
Lastly, what if you want to blog about blogging? Is that a good idea? Is it a saturated market?
I’ll speak from experience, that I feel like it’s important to build a profitable blog from a different topic before venturing into the blogging niche. I see so many bloggers who never even started their own blog, who begin teaching others how to be successful at blogging. I find that annoying.
To me, that’s like stepping into the operating room with someone who never took the time to go to medical school, never spent countless hours learning surgical technique, & never put in the blood, sweat, or tears that every other doctor sacrifices, & then trying to teach a new surgeon how to operate. It just doesn’t work. It’s not authentic.

Shortly after starting my blog, I had family and friends asking me how I figured out how to put together a website and start this whole blogging thing. I love sharing everything I’ve learning over the years.
Eventually I though, I’d love to share with others how to do this, but I wanted to build my own website, blog, and brand first so that I could help my readers and friends navigate this world of blogging and speak from a place of experience.
If you too wish to teach about aspects of blogging, can I encourage you to first start a blog about your favorite hobby, your talent, your perfect niche. Put in the time and do it right. Then, once you’ve built your own business begin teaching others how to do it. Your readers will want to know how you do what you do, trust me.
Well, there you have it….10 ways to discover your perfect blog niche. Now, go and start that beautiful blog of yours. Need help? Check out this post where I share how to start a successful blog step-by-step. And, if you’re looking for more one-on-one instructions, sign up for my blogging course coming soon!