Over this past weekend we enjoyed dying Easter Eggs with our niece and nephew. It is a yearly tradition that we’ve been doing since they were really young, and thankfully they still enjoy it. We’ll continue boiling eggs, covering our kitchen table with newspaper, and dealing with multi-colored fingertips for however much longer they want to partake in this fun family activity.
I’m all about creating simple, memorable family traditions, and now that they are getting older, it’s really exciting to get more creative with our Easter egg decorating. We’ve graduated from Sesame Street and Paw Patrol kits bought at Target, to trying some of the many creative ideas I see strewn all over Pinterest this time of year.

Here are a few of my newest favorite ideas for decorating Easter eggs from several creative bloggers who I absolutly love. Enjoy…
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Let’s start with some watercolor eggs and some eggs made with beet juice. And, let’s not forget these beautiful gold foil designs and easy eggs decorated with confetti. I love them all!

Who ever thought of decorating Easter eggs with tissue paper or temporary tattoos. But, I have to say I love the shibori-inspired eggs and the eggs that look like they’re covered in sprinkles, don’t you?

Related Post: 12 Creative Ways To Decorate Easter ggs With Your Kids

Let the 1990’s kids unite! These Lisa Frank inspired designs have my side-pony tail wearing younger self jumping for joy. All of the other designs are icing on the cake.

One Comment
Another home run, Steph , great ideas.