Today I’ll share with you the necessities you’ll need at home after you have a baby. These postpartum care kit will help make your post-birth recovery simpler and easier. Plus, you’ll have peace of mind knowing you’ve got everything you need to take care of yourself so you can take care of your baby. Let’s get started…
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For The Bum & Below
Let’s start with the “down under”, the nitty gritty, the area that you’re probably going to be most worried about especially if you have a vaginal delivery. If you do happen to have a cesarean section, these items may still be necessary for you as well depending on how your delivery went. Plus, every postpartum mom deals with bleeding, so you’ll want to be prepared for your first period in several months. Here’s what I suggest you stock up on for your bum and below…
Anusol Cream
Hemorrhoids are no joke, and many women develop them during pregnancy or during pushing due to the extra pressure in your rectal area. I recommend stocking up on anusol cream (a steroid, anti-inflammatory cream) that can be applied directly to your “new friend/s” to help reduce the pain and swelling. (*of course always talk to your doctor before taking a new medicine, even topical therapies)
Sitz Bath
If you are experiencing a lot of pain and swelling “down there”, you may benefit from a sitz bath. It’s basically a plastic tub of hot water that fits within the toilet bowl under the seat, and applies a gently steamy heat to your bum when you sit on it. It’s not meant for you to actually submerge your perineum in the water. It’s more like a hot sauna for your lady parts.
Frida Mom (a company I absolutely love) even offers a healing herbal & epsom salt concoction for your nether region to make it extra fresh and soothing. Most hospitals will be able to supply you with a sitz bath to take home, or you can order one here.

Tylenol & Motrin
Now let’s talk about medications for pain and inflammation. Most doctors/midwives will prescribe Tylenol and Motrin. They may give you a prescription for these medicines, or they may instruct you to get it over the counter at any store that sells medications.
Typically, we give Tylenol Extra Strength 1000mg and Motrin 600-800mg. Talk to you nurses and doctors about your doses and be sure to stay up on your pain medication. Most of the moms I care for, like pain relief every 3 hours. This is certainly within the recommended dosing guidelines of these medications, and will ensure that your pain won’t sneak up on you.
I put my patients on an every 3 hour schedule if they need it (not every postpartum mom has a lot of pain…which is awesome). So my patients would typically get Motrin at 9 a.m., 3 p.m., 9 p.m., and 3 a.m. if needed. Then Tylenol at 6 a.m, 12 p.m., 3 p.m., and midnight. It’s good to write this schedule out, make sure your doctor/midwife is in agreement, and keep it posted in your home so you can remember what to take when.
Then, I encourage my moms when baby wakes every three hours for a feeding, to get up and go to the bathroom, pour a glass of water, grab a light snack, and take their medications before starting a feeding. Breastfeeding can cause worse cramping so it’s great to take it before hand. And, that cramping can be even worse if you have a full bladder. Dad or your support person can be changing baby’s diaper during this time and getting that baby ready for the feeding.
Stool Softeners
That first poop for baby is often anticipated, but what about yours? Things may slow down in your bowels following delivery, due to medications you’re taking, how long you went without food or water, and if you had surgery. So, I’d highly recommend taking a stool softener in addition to your pain medication every day to kind of ease your mind (& your bum) when it comes your highly anticipated first bowel movement.
Other things to help you pass that first stool: drink plenty of water (or hot liquids…like coffee and/or tea), eat a well-balanced diet with plenty of fruits of vegetables that are filled with fiber, and get up and move around, go for a walk with baby around the neighborhood to get things moving, etc.
Also, try not to stress out about your first poop. Sometimes it can take several days for it to pass, and most hospitals don’t require you to go before being discharged home (despite what your mother tells you). And, most of all, don’t strain. There’s no gain in that pain, and there’s no prize for who poops first amongst the mamas in the maternity ward.
Maalox or Simethocone
Some new moms, especially those have had a c-section, complain of extreme gas pain. While movement and walking help relive this extra gas the best, we also recommend taking some gas reliving medication like Simethocone or Maalox. Simethocone is a gas chew that helps break up gas in your belly, while Maalox is a liquid medicine that doesn’t taste that great but contains 3x the simethocone dose of the chew tabs making it my preferred method for relieving gas in my patients. Both can be purchased over the counter and don’t require a prescription.
Related Post: How To Prepare To Have Your Baby During The Covid-19 Pandemic
Peri Bottle
Another items mom love during their postpartum recovery is a peri bottle. It’s like a portable bidet of sorts that allows you to squirt water right where you need it down below. Wiping and dabbing with toilet paper may be a bit painful, which is why everybody loves this peri bottle. I love the peri bottle from Frida Mom, once again, because it can easily collapse to fit inside your purse for on the go toileting. I’d recommend buying 2, one for home and one for your purse/diaper bag.

Disposable Underwear
Disposable underwear is another must-have amongst postpartum moms, cause now’s not the time to pull out your Victoria Secret lacey undies. I can’t even begin to tell you how often I’m asked for extra mesh underwear for moms to take home, cause they’re just that good. Once they get soiled, you can easily toss them. They cut down on laundry, and make toilet time simpler and quicker. Some moms opt for straight up Depends underwear, but I also love these new breathable disposable boy shorts from Frida Mom.

Peri Pads
Most women experience vaginal bleeding after birth, whether baby was born vaginally for via c-section. This bleeding may last for a few days to even a couple of weeks, so you’ll definitely want to stock up on your preferred maxi pads. For those first few days of healing, these cooling peri pads might be just what the doctor ordered as they soothe your peri area but also whisk that extra moisture away. In fact, this postpartum kit from Frida Mom would make an excellent gift for any expectant mother or for yourself!

Dermaplast Spray
Another comfort item that moms love is a numbing spray like Dermoplast. This is medicated spray that can be applied directly to your perineum that helps soothe and numb that healing tissue.
Tucks/Witch Hazel Pads
Finally, the last thing I’d recommend for your postpartum care kit, are Tucks pads or some other product with witch hazel in it. These circular pads can be placed directly on your pad that help heal the tissue “down yonder”. Frida Mom, if you can’t tell I really like this company, also sells a healing foam and cooling tissue pads that both contain witch hazel. They are certainly worth giving a try and are included in the postpartum recover kit I shared earlier.

For The Back & Body
Now let’s move onto some must-have items for your recovering body that will be good to have in your home. Some of these items may be optional, however as a healthcare professional I think it wouldn’t hurt to include them in you health kit just in case.
Heating Pad
A lot of postpartum moms complain about having back pain, particularly at the epicure/spinal spot, and just overall muscular aches and pains. A heating pad can significant help with this pain. Many moms describe their postpartum pain as “feeling muscles they never knew they had”. The positioning during a c-section, the contortionist moves during pushing, as well as sleeping in a hospital bed and even learning how to hold your baby for breastfeeding can cause muscle soreness. Having a heating pad at home is just plain a good idea.
Blood Pressure Cuff
A blood pressure cuff is going to be extremely important for you to have at home postpartum especially is you’ve struggled with high blood pressure during your pregnancy or before. Postpartum moms can develop pre-eclampsia even after the baby is born, which sometimes require hospitalization postpartum for medications and management. It’s always a good idea to have a blood pressure cuff in your home anyways, and if you don’t already have one, now’s as good a time as any.
Another thing to monitor at home if need by, will be yours and baby’s temperature. If you begin to feel under the weather or have fears that baby’s not warm enough, having a thermometer at home will hopefully bring you peace of mind and quick answers. Postpartum moms can develop infections where a fever is present, so if you are suspicious that you may have something going on, check your temperature and the call your doctor. I love the simplicity of this thermometer. It’s easy to use and easy to read. It’s a must-have.

For The Belly
Now let’s talk about your belly, cause there’s probably a lot going on there, right? No, you don’t instantly lose that baby tummy (unless you’re really lucky), and there may be a bit more wiggle and jiggle going on. So, here are just a few things I’d recommend having to help your tummy during postpartum life.
Belly Binder
A lot of moms like wearing a belly binder after birth to help them feel supported in the belly area especially after having a c-section. They come in a variety of colors and sizes, and are certainly something you’ll love having to option of wearing postpartum.
ABD Pads for Incision
ABD (abdominal) pads are another great thing to have at home, especially if you’re having a c-section. These are little sterile pads that we place over your incision to protect it from your underwear or pants, and most moms feel it adds just a bit of padding and protection to such a sensitive area. You won’t have to wear these for a long time, but it’s nice to have extras at home just in case.

Tylenol & Motrin for Cramping
And, just like I mentioned before, Tylenol and Motrin are great choices for pain control during the postpartum period and safe for breastfeeding. One little tidbit that no one tells you about, is that the more babies you have, the worse your postpartum cramping is. Some moms even say they feel like contractions. So you’ll certainly want an arsenal of pain relieving items at home when you leave the hospital.

For The Boobs
Now let’s talk about your breasts! Woohoo! You’re going to learn more about your boobs than you ever though you’d need to know if your postpartum period, trust me. Here are just a few things to make lactating and breastfeeding that much easier and more comfortable.
So, when it comes to breastfeeding, you may be able to get a breast pump for FREE through your insurance company. The two most popular brands are Medela and the new Spectra. Both are very similar in how they function, it’s basically just your preference on which one you choose. But, check with your insurance company regarding which one they’ll pay for. You will need a doctor’s prescription as well that you nurse can obtain for you after you deliver.

If you are heading back to work, or are looking for an on-the-go option, look into the Willow or the Elvie. I’ve heard positive things about both of these options, and they make pumping super discreet. You just slip the pumps into your bra and go. It’s as easy as that!

Silicone “Milk Catcher”
A friend of mine who just had a baby was talking about this nifty contraption that she literally suctions onto one of her breasts while she nurses her sweet baby on the other. It collects all of the milk from the opposite breast that her baby otherwise would’ve missed, cause your body doesn’t differentiate. Both sides may have a let down while your nursing. This is how she built up her freezer supply. How cool is that?

Hydrogel Pads for Nipples
Let’s talk about soothing sore nipples now, shall we? The item that my patient’s love the most is Hydrogel Nipple Pads. They really like to put them in the refrigerator to cool, and then apply them after breastfeeding to soothe their sore nipples. These are a true life savor during those first few weeks of early breastfeeding.

Nipple Cream
Nipple cream is another must-have for all breastfeeding moms. My recommendation would be to search for a nipple cream that is made from safe non-toxic ingredients and that is organic in nature. This is a cream that you will be putting on your nipples in between feedings, and your baby might ingest during feedings unless you plan to wipe your sore nipples clean before latching. Choose a nipple cream that is safe for your baby, and effective to soothe your soreness. Here’s one that I like.

Breast Pads
Another thing you’ll need if you are a breastfeeding mom (or an exclusively pumping mom or a mom who plans to bottle feed but also got engorged) is breast pads to catch the leaking that may happen throughout the day. These breast pads from Bamboobies (I love that company’s name, don’t you?) are made from bamboo and cotton so they’re super gentle on that sensitive skin but also super absorbent so you don’t have any “accidents”. Plus, they’re washable and reusable!

Nursing Bra
Don’t forget to get a really good nursing bra to support your hardworking ladies during those postpartum days. I love the bras, panties (check out their special undies for c-section mamas), and comfy gown/pajamas from Kindred Bravely. You can take their online quiz to figure out your sizing, and they’ll help you choose the comfiest bra for you. Plus, you can shop by category like “Hospital Bag” and find other amazing products you’ll love.

Pump Bag
While I was researching for what to add to this post, I found these super cute pump bags on Amazon and thought I’d include them. These would make taking your breast pump and storing your milk on the go even easier and more fashionable. There is a smaller version or a larger version depending on your pump size, as well as insulated pouches for keep your milk fresh and cool underneath the bag. These bags also feature charging stations and even headphones! How cool is that?
If you are heading back to work after having your baby and plan to pump, one of these bags would be a must-have.

For The Baby
I cover exactly what you need to have when you take your baby home from the hospital in this post, and share 40 of the best baby products that new moms love in this post. But, here I’d like to just share with you a few things that my new parents often say they forgot to get or didn’t think they needed.
Formula & Bottles
Breastfeeding can take a while to nail down, and every baby is different just like every birth is different. So, depending on your situation, it might bring you some peace of mind to have some formula and bottles at home just in case your baby needs to be supplemented. I discuss some of the reasons your baby might need supplementation in this post. Also, if you’re wondering which bottles are best for breastfeeding babies so that they don’t experience “nipple confusion” and easily go back to feeding at the breast, click here to read my top 10 picks.
Most babies really like to be swaddled tightly to remind them of being in the womb, and often times new parents have a hard time replicating that tight swaddle that the nurses in the hospital can do so well. I’d recommend investing in a really nice swaddle for your baby that will make swaddling easier so you don’t have to take a crash course in Swaddling 101 before heading home.

My favorite swaddle is the Ollie Swaddle, and it was developed by a foster mom and baby extraordinary. Here’s more about the Ollie Swaddle, and how it will make your life with a new baby easier.
Diapers in 2 Different Sizes
There’s not a whole lot that a new baby needs, but diapers are certainly one of them. So often I hear parents say that they bought diapers in the wrong size. Without fail, either their baby is smaller than expected or larger. So, make sure you’re stocking up on a few newborn diapers as well as size 1’s so that you have what you need when you go home.
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I hope this post helps you prepare for those exciting postpartum days, and that you are able to enjoy this time with your little one and heal quickly and easily. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me. You can join me in my online classroom as well for a FREE course called Baby Bootcamp where I share 10 simple ways to prepare to have your baby. And, if you’d like to take your learning one step further, you can join me in my classroom for The Mommy Masterclasses, a collection of online prenatal and mother classes to help you prepare and adjust to your life as a new mom. You can check out my first course, Baby’s Beginning: A Postpartum Course here. See you there!