If you’re a new mom, you may be wondering when to start pumping for storage of breast milk. The answer to that question depends on a few factors, including how much milk your baby is eating and how often you are able to pump.
In this blog post, we’ll discuss some tips for building up a freezer stash of breast milk and offer advice on when new moms should start pumping for storage.
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When To Start Pumping Breastmilk For Storage
If you’re a new mom, you may be wondering when to start pumping for storage of breast milk. The answer to that question depends on a few factors, including how much milk your baby is eating and how often you are able to pump.
In this blog post, we’ll discuss some tips for building up a freezer stash of breast milk and offer advice on when new moms should start pumping for storage.
One of the main factors to consider when deciding when to start pumping for storage is how much milk your baby is eating. If you have a baby who is eating around 24-32 ounces of breast milk per day, you may want to start pumping and storing extra milk in case of emergencies.
Another factor to consider is how often you are able to pump. If you are pumping every few hours, you may want to start storing some milk in case you have a missed pumping session.

Here are some quick tips for building up a freezer stash of breast milk:
– Pump after baby’s morning feeding: If you are able to pump after baby eats, you will likely have a higher output of milk. This is because baby’s suckling helps stimulate your body to produce more milk.
– Store milk in small amounts: When freezing breastmilk, it’s best to store it in small batches so that you can thaw and use it as needed.
– Label each freezer bag: Be sure to label each freezer bag with the date that the milk was pumped. This will help you keep track of how long the milk can be stored.
If you’re a new mom, building up a freezer stash of breast milk can be a great way to have extra milk on hand in case of emergencies. By following the tips above, you can start pumping and storing breast milk for your baby. Now let’s dive into this topic more, shall we?

How To Store Breast Milk Safely
When storing breast milk, it’s important to use clean containers and label them with the date of pumping. Breast milk can be stored in clean plastic bottles or bags, glass bottles, or silicone storage bags.
If you are using plastic bottles or bags, be sure to wash them in hot soapy water and allow them to air dry before using. It’s also important to check the bottles or bags for cracks before using them.
Glass bottles can be washed in hot soapy water and then sterilized by boiling them for five minutes. Silicone storage bags can be washed in hot soapy water or placed in the dishwasher.
When labeling your breast milk, be sure to use a permanent marker and write the date of pumping. Breast milk can be stored in the fridge for up to four days or in the freezer for up to six months.
If you have a large freezer supply of breast milk, make sure to use the oldest milk first. Store milk in the back of the fridge or freezer where it will stay coldest.
And finally, if you have a deep freezer, store milk in small portions so that it will thaw quickly and evenly. By following these simple guidelines, you can safely store breast milk for your baby.

Thawing And Using Frozen Breast Milk
When you’re ready to use frozen breast milk, it’s important to thaw it safely. The best way to thaw breast milk is to place the frozen bag or bottle in a bowl of warm water.
You can also thaw breast milk by placing it in the fridge overnight. However, this method will take longer and you’ll need to use the milk within 24 hours.
Once thawed, breast milk can be kept at room temperature for up to two hours or in the fridge for up to 24 hours.
When using thawed breast milk, be sure to shake it well before feeding it to your baby. You can use thawed breast milk within 24 hours of thawing.

Benefits Of Having A Breast Milk Stash
There are many benefits of having a breast milk stash, both for you and your baby.
One of the biggest benefits is that it gives you peace of mind. Knowing that you have a supply of breast milk stored away can give you a sense of security in case of emergencies.
Another benefit is that it allows you to take breaks. If you need to take a trip or have a night out, you can rest assured that your baby will be well-fed in your absence.
Also, having a breast milk stash gives you the flexibility to return to work or school without having to worry about pumping.
If you are able to pump while away from home, you can add to your stash and have an even larger supply on hand.
By having a breast milk stash, you can feel confident that you are prepared for anything life throws your way.
No matter what your reason is for wanting to build up a breast milk stash, following the tips above will help you do it safely and effectively. So go ahead and get started today! Your baby will thank you for it.

Tips for Building A Milk Stash
Now that you know the benefits of having a breast milk stash, you might be wondering how to go about building one.
Here are a few tips to get you started:
– Pump often: The more you pump, the more milk you will have stored away. Try to pump at least once a day, even if it’s just for a few minutes.
– Store milk in small portions: When freezing breast milk, store it in small portions so that it will thaw quickly and evenly. This will also help you to avoid wasting any milk.
– Use a pump with a hands-free attachment: A hands-free attachment can be a lifesaver when it comes to pumping. This way, you can pump while you’re doing other things, like working or taking care of your baby.
– Invest in a good breast pump: A good breast pump can make all the difference when it comes to pumping. If you’re able to, invest in a high-quality pump that will make the process as easy and efficient as possible.
By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to building up a freezer stash of breast milk. So get started today and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing you have a supply of breast milk stored away.

How To Fit Pumping Into Your Busy Day
If you’re a busy mom, you might be wondering how you’re going to fit pumping into your already hectic schedule.
Here are a few tips to help you make it work:
– Pump first thing in the morning: If you can, pump first thing in the morning before your day gets too busy. This will help you to get in a good pumping session and start your day off on the right foot.
– Pump during your baby’s naps: If you have a young baby, take advantage of their naps to pump. This way, you can get some much-needed rest while you’re pumping.
– Pump before bed: Another great time to pump is right before bed. This way, you can get in a good session and then relax for the rest of the night.
– Use a hands-free attachment: As mentioned before, a hands-free attachment can be a lifesaver when it comes to pumping. If you’re able to, invest in one so that you can pump while you’re doing other things, like working or taking care of your baby.
By following these tips, you should be able to fit pumping into your busy day. Just remember to be patient and take it one day at a time. You’ve got this!

What To Do With Leftover Breast Milk
Once you have a good supply of breast milk stored away, you might be wondering what to do with any leftover milk.
Here are a few ideas:
– Donate it: Donating your excess breast milk is a great way to help other moms in need. There are many hospitals and organizations that accept donated breast milk.
– Use it to make homemade baby food: If you have a surplus of breast milk, you can use it to make homemade baby food. This is a great way to get the most out of your breast milk and give your baby the best possible nutrition.
– You can also freeze it: Freeze your breast mik in ice cube trays and use it to soothe sore nipples or as a topical treatment for minor cuts and scrapes.
– Use it in a bath for baby: Add a few ounces of breast milk to your baby’s bathwater for a relaxing and nourishing experience that will help soothe baby‘s dry skin and eczema.
– Turn it into beautiful jewelry: Search on Etsy for breastmilk jewelry and you’ll be surprised! There’s so many beautiful ways to turn your breastmilk into a gorgeous keepsake to remind you of this special time in your motherhood journey.

Our Favorite Milk Stash Essentials:
Now that you know all about breast milk storage, you might be wondering what products you need to get started. Here are a few of our favorite milk stash essentials:
– Breast Pump: A good breast pump is essential for pumping moms. We recommend the Spectra S0 or the Medela Pump In Style Advanced.
– Hands Free Breast Pump: A hands free breast pump like the Elvie or the Willow will make pumping a breeze especially if you’re on the go or returning to work.
– Extra Pump Parts & Membranes: You can never have too many extra pump parts. These white membranes can get sticky from breastmilk causing the pump to not work correctly. So whatever pump you choose, purchase extra parts.
– Haakaa: This nifty device can be placed on the breast that baby’s not nursing on while he’s feeding to collect extra milk that my let down from that side. This is an easy way to save every precious once of that liquid gold.
– Storage Bags: You’ll need storage bags to store your milk in the freezer. We like the Medela Pump and Save Breastmilk Bags.
– Cooler: A cooler is great for transporting breast milk, especially if you’re going to be away from home for more than a few hours. We recommend the Medela Pump Bag.
– Bottle Sterilizer: We can’t forget these sterilizer items either. This bottle sterilizer by Baby Brezza will make cleaning your bottles or nipples easy peasy.
– MicroSteam Sterilizer Bags: And we can’t forget to sterilize your pump parts either. These microsteam bags turn your microwave into a sterilizing machine. Perfect for on the go.
– Pump Wipes: Want to wash your pump parts quickly while on the go? Stock up on these pump wipes as well.
– Hands Free Pumping Bra: These hands free pumping bras are the best invention of the 21st century! Ok, maybe that’s an exaggeration but they certainly make pumping a whole lot easier especially when you feel like you need 15 arms.
– Extra Pump Bottles: And you can’t go without extra pump bottles too cause without fail the ones you need will be dirty when you’re ready to pump.

FAQs About Pumping & Building A Milk Stash
Q: When should I start pumping for storage?
A: You can start pumping for storage as soon as you have established a good milk supply. For most women, this is around the four- to six-week mark.
Q: How often should I pump if I’m exclusively pumping?
A: If you’re exclusively pumping, you’ll need to pump around every two to three hours to maintain your milk supply.
Q: Can I use a hands-free pumping bra while I’m nursing?
A: Yes, you can! Using a hands-free pumping bra while you’re nursing can help you save time and pump more milk.
Q: Do I need a special pump if I’m going to be pumping for storage?
A: No, you don’t need a special pump for pumping for storage. Any electric breast pump will do the trick. However, if you’re exclusively pumping, you might want to consider investing in a double electric pump to make pumping more efficient.
Q: How long will my breastmilk stash last?
A: Your breastmilk stash will last for six to eight months in the freezer. However, it’s best to use it within four months for optimal nutrition and flavor.
Q: Can I refreeze thawed breastmilk?
A: No, you should not refreeze thawed breastmilk. Once thawed, breastmilk is only good for 24 hours. If you don’t think you’ll use it all within that time frame, consider giving it away to a friend or family member who has a baby.
Q: I’m going back to work and need to pump. What are the best pumps for working moms?
A: The best pumps for working moms are electric breast pumps. We recommend the Lansinoh Smartpump Double Electric Breast Pump or the Medela Pump in Style Advanced Breast Pump. Both of these pumps are designed for efficiency and portability, making them perfect for busy working moms.
Q: I’m going on vacation and need to pump. What are the best pumps for travel?
A: The best pumps for travel are electric breast pumps. We recommend the Lansinoh Smartpump Double Electric Breast Pump or the Medela Pump in Style Advanced Breast Pump. Both of these pumps are designed for portability and come with carrying cases, making them perfect for travel.
Q: I’m a new mom and want to start pumping for storage. What are the best pumps for beginners?
A: The best pumps for beginners are electric breast pumps. We recommend the Lansinoh Smartpump Double Electric Breast Pump or the Medela Pump in Style Advanced Breast Pump. Both of these pumps are designed for ease of use and come with instructional manuals, making them perfect for beginners.
Q: Do I need a milk stash?
A: You don’t need a milk stash, but it’s a good idea to have one. Having a milk stash gives you peace of mind knowing that you have a supply of breastmilk on hand in case your baby gets sick or you need to travel. Plus, it’s always nice to have some extra breastmilk on hand for those unexpected growth spurts!
Q: How much of a breastmilk stash should I have?
A: You should have enough of a breastmilk stash to cover your baby’s needs for two to three days. For most babies, this is around 48 ounces (or six cups), but there’s no one-size-fits-all answer.
Some moms like to have a little extra on hand, just in case their baby goes through a growth spurt or they have to travel. Others prefer to keep their freezer stash more modest, only pumping enough to cover the occasional bottle feeding. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide how much milk you want to have on hand.
However, most experts recommend having at least a two-week supply of fresh milk (refrigerated milk) and a two-month supply of frozen milk. This will ensure that you always have some milk on hand, no matter what unexpected challenges come your way.
Q: Can you put pumped milk right into freezer?
Yes, you can put pumped milk right into the freezer. However, it’s important to note that breast milk expands when frozen, so make sure to leave some headspace in the freezer bag or container.
Additionally, it’s a good idea to label the milk with the date it was pumped and the expiration date (which is typically four to six months after pumping). This will help you keep track of your milk supply and ensure that you’re using the oldest milk first.
Q: How can I increase my milk supply quickly?
If you’re looking to increase your milk supply quickly, there are a few things you can do. First, make sure that you’re nursing or pumping regularly. This will help to stimulate your milk production and keep it at a steady level. Additionally, try drinking plenty of fluids and eating foods that are known to boost milk production, such as oatmeal, dark leafy greens, and fenugreek. Finally, avoid anything that might inhibit milk production, such as smoking or drinking alcohol.
Q: What foods produce the most breast milk?
There are a few foods that are known to produce the most breast milk. These include oatmeal, dark leafy greens, and fenugreek. Additionally, try drinking plenty of fluids and eating a balanced diet.
Q: How many ounces should I pump before returning to work?
There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Every mom is different, and every baby has different needs. However, most experts recommend pumping at least eight ounces before returning to work. This will ensure that you have enough milk on hand to feed your baby while you’re away.
Q: How long does it take to build up breastmilk supply?
Again, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. It takes some moms a few weeks to build up their breastmilk supply, while it takes others a bit longer. However, most experts agree that it generally takes about two to four weeks for a mom to establish her milk supply.
Pumping breast milk can be a daunting task for any new mom. However, it’s important to remember that every mom is different, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. By following the tips in this blog post, you should be able to find a pumping routine that works for you and your baby, and build up the milk stash of your (& your baby’s) dreams.
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